Its been quite a while that i have posted any free internet trick for South Africa on this blog and so today we would be discussing MTN SA. I remember back in the days when CellC was the real deal, its users could browse and download for free for several months! and the most loving part of it was that those tricks weren't easily blocked.
Today we would be discussing MTN SA free internet trick. This trick i believe shouldnt be new to you all because i published it before but i later brought it down because of the limits but still others are demanding for it so i just have to post it again. This trick is limited to 100mb of daily free browsing on Finch vpn which is one of the reasons that made me to bring it down so as to bypass that limit but i haven't achieved that yet because those i give configurations don't understand simple tech tweaking terms. Kindly follow the below settings to enjoy this little trick.
1. An MTN simcard with zero credit or mb
2. An Android or PC
3. Patience

1. Click here to download Finch vpn
2. Open the app and install
3. Login but if you havent register then simply do so ( Registeration doesnt take up to 3 mins)
4. At Finch vpn home page, set your server protocol to be UDP and port 9201
5. Next swipe to settings and make sure that custom settings is NOT ticked.
6. Now with this settings, you can select any server and browse for free till you reach your daily limit.
Note: This post is for educational purpose only. TechMilitant wont be held liable for your actions!
it does not work anymore though.