4 facts about the French Lotto

Pappi Hex


Lotto games are widely regarded as the broadest and most socially acceptable form of betting. There are a range of lotto games that occur on multiple continents, and although many lotto games follow a broadly similar format, we will look at some facts about the French Lotto that you may have been unaware of before today.

#1 - Hitting the main prize twice

For many of us, winning the lotto just once is enough. Most of us will never come close to scooping the top prize. However, one unbelievably lucky player from Montpellier won the French Lotto not once but twice! We imagine he was equally stunned when he checked his ticket and the available France Lotto results for the second time.

Some people say that sticking to the same numbers is a lucky charm, and it was for this particular gambler. While there’s no statistical advantage to betting on the same numbers every time you bet on the lotto, you have as much chance of winning via a lucky dip or a random set of numbers every week. 

As the laws of probability exist, there are always exceptions to the rule, and in essence, this is what makes lotto betting so popular. Although millions of people will bet on the lotto in their lifetime and never win, somebody has to, and this one Montpellier player managed to win in 1996 and then again 15 years later – with the same numbers.


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#2 - It gives millions in charitable donations

Many lotto competitions across the globe incorporate an element of charitable endeavour. Some people denounce the availability of betting, and in some countries, betting is wholly outlawed; this includes any lotto competitions. A way to mitigate this is to ensure that a portion of the profits is funnelled back into the community, and the French Lotto is no different. 

The French Lotto funds various French sporting charities and other worthwhile projects. Although charity lotto funding has become a hot topic of debate in countries like the United Kingdom, the French Lotto has worked closely with various organisations over the last few decades. In addition, they continue to build partnerships with charities that have excellent, long-standing and influential impacts on their communities.

While some businesses can apply for Lotto funding, the application process is meticulous and it is usually non-profit organisations that can access the available funds.

#3 - It is capped

Some rollover prizes reach staggering amounts, and French Lotto customers can also participate in other lotto competitions, such as the EuroMillions, which has had some of the highest individual wins in the history of betting. In July 2022, a UK ticket holder won an astonishing £195 million on the EuroMillions, which is over a whopping 4.5 billion ZAR.

However, the French Lotto works slightly differently, and the prize is capped at 36 million euros (721 million ZAR). It has never reached that amount, as it would have to roll over for a considerable time without anybody winning it. Still, it might surprise you that it is capped at this amount, but some other national lotteries are smaller and some are more significant.

#4 - Tickets are cheaper than elsewhere in Europe

A standard French Lotto ticket will set you back around 89 ZAR. If you compare that with other lottos across the continent, it falls slightly below average. EuroMillions tickets are somewhat more, but there’s a much bigger main prize at stake; relatively speaking, it is roughly the same.

Comparatively, the selection of 1 to 49 numbers is smaller than in other parts of Europe, which will have been factored into the price. This doesn’t mean you have more chances of winning the main prize; the odds remain astronomical. The numbers are chosen randomly, but if there’s a smaller scope of numbers, then statistically speaking, you could have a better shot at taking a prize.


Lotto will always cause a debate because it is the most visible and popular betting method. Even people who don’t bet on sports or have never set foot in a casino have likely placed a lotto bet or two over the years. 

Given that millions in funding go back into charitable foundations that boost the French economy and help cultivate a better society and community, there’s a clear argument for the benefits of the lotto. So long as people play within their budget and play the game as intended, the overall benefit is positive.


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