Bitcoin Hits All Time High, Valued At $5,651

Pappi Hex

Bitcoin yesterday gained strength, appreciating in value as it is now worth $5,651, marking exactly two months after passing the $4,000 value.

 The cryptocurrency was able to hit $5,000 in September 2017 though it lasted for only 10 minutes. Bitcoin experienced a temporal fall in its value Last month when the Chinese government placed a ban on ICOs and cryptocurrency exchanges.

Other cryptocurrencies are also appreciating in value while others cant just keep up the pace with Bitcoin. Litecoin experienced a 10% increase in value, Ethereum up by 2% while Ripple experienced a fall of 2%. So far                                                                                                                                                          
While it is still unclear what made the price to gain that much, some hinge their belief on many Wall Street banks who have suddenly shown cryptocurrency interests and disinterest at the same time. Financial media like CNBC have been seen talking about Bitcoins on several occasions as any traditional security.

 While most Bitcoin users are happy with the new value that Bitcoin has attained, some Bitcoin users are worried that the cryptocurrency is to undergo another hard fork called SegWit2X at the end of November.


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