Chinese Woman Goes Blind After Playing Mobile Game For 24 Hours

Pappi Hex

A 21-year-old Chinese woman lost her right eye after spending 24 hours non-stop playing "Honour of Kings".

 The Chinese woman who goes by the Pseudonym "Wu Xianojing", is an accountant by profession. She told Global times that she was addicted to the Honour of Kings game and said that she spent as much as 8 hours on normal days playing the game, excluding herself from food, drinks and not even visiting the toilets.

 "If i don't work, i usually get up around 6 am, have breakfast, then play until 4 pm," she told Global times.

 "I would eat something, take a nap, wake up and continue playing until 1 or 2 am. My parents had warned me that i might go blind."

However, on October 1, Miss Wu was hospitalized when she began playing Honour of Kings right after having here dinner. She was later diagnosed with RAQ (Retinal Artery Occlusion).

RAQ is a medical condition that occurs mostly in the elderly. This medical condition is caused when a blockage occur in one of the arteries carrying  blood to the retina, and most case lead to permanent loss of sight.

 Miss Wu in her case is said  to have 20% to 35% chance of seeing normal again. Doctors said that Miss Wu's excessive viewing of the screen is likely the cause of the RAQ


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