Still on the Week Day free Internet trick which is yet to be rounded up, we have this free unlimited Internet trick for Techfoe readers in Trinidad & Tobago on the Digicel network using the HTTP Injector.
This trick works totally for free. I mean, you don't need airtime, data or have to subscribe to any social package for it to work for you. All that you need is the settings, your SIM card and the tunneling app.
We also restricted to this free net trick to Android users alone using the HTTP Injector app. Those on other platforms won't be able to benefit from this trick unless they use an Android emulator to work for them.
The process to get this free net trick is simple and straight forward. You just need to import the settings as detailed below get your free net running. Despite how easy we try to make it for users, we know that there will be some people who will encounter issues with this free net trick since this is the first time of we covering this region.
Also Read: Universal way on how to browse for free in any country in the world
Follow the settings as shown in the post and enjoy free unlimited net access. We are open on Telegram for those whop have questions to ask or seek for help regarding this free net trick. Enjoy.
Click here to like our Facebook Page and here to join our Telegram Channel for more free unlimited Internet tricks and tutorials.
1. A Digicel Trinidad & Tobago SIM card with zero data and call credit
2. An Android device, iOS or PC.
3. Your HTTP Injector or any tunneling app of your choice (Find the link below)
4. The configuration settings
2. Click here to download the free configuration file
3. Clear the cache from your HTTP Injector before importing so as to avoid errors
4. When you are done with number 3, from the HTTP Injector app click on the icon that looks like a file, click on import
5. From your downloaded items, search for the configuration that you have downloaded and then click on it to upload.
6. Now click on connect to start enjoying free unlimited Internet access
Note: This post is for EDUCATIONAL purpose only! You are responsible for your action and usage of it. Techfoe only drops such to alert ISPs of their vulnerabilities.
HTTP Injector MTN Unlimited Nigeria, Ghana 4G trick, Jamaica Digicel, Argentina Personal AnonyTun,
Please can you configure free internet for Digicel Papua New Guinea (PNG).