iPhone X Records Low Sales As Buyers Loss Interest

Pappi Hex

Apple seems to be having difficulties in selling the iPhone X as smartphone buyers have loss interest in the device.

According to a news report by Nikkei, Apple saw 'slower-than-expected' sales in major markets like the US, Europe and China during the festive season.

 Due to the low sales, Apple has decided to halve its production targets for Q1 2018 from 40 million units to 20 million units, the report claimed.

Apple was counting heavily on the sales during Q4 2017 which is usually good due to the holiday season. The flagship device didn't live up to expectation as were with previous launches.

The iPhone X is a device that has received good reviews from various analysts. However, the price is one of the main reasons for the poor sales. The most affordable version of the device is priced at $999 in the US market while in other markets around the world the device is way more expensive due to taxes and other sundries.

In the report, Nikkei also notes that the  inventory for the iPhone X is starting to rise after a period of shortages. ordering fewer units would Apple with as little stock as possible moving into Quarter 2 2018.

While this post provides some insight into Apple sales, it is worth to note that this report is from a third party and hasn't been confirmed by Apple.

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