New MTN Guinea 2022 Free Unlimited Internet Trick

Pappi Hex

It's another MTN free Internet trick. It's fast, and as well offers unlimited Internet connection at no cost without stress and need for any free Internet host.

This trick too works totally for free and doesn't require the users Interested in the trick to have data, airtime, or subscribe to any form of Internet pack to help in kickstarting the trick. In our usual way,  we recommend that you use an MTN SIM card that doesn't have data and airtime so as to prove to you guys that the trick really works.

Similar to the Psiphon VPN Jio free Internet trick that we just posted, this trick uses similar a technique to give the MTN users Internet with unlimited data. The VPN tunnel app that we used in this post is one of the best Psiphon VPN alternative out there, and as well, it's one of the best ways to get free Internet. 

Also Read: Ha Tunnel Plus Free Internet Trick Files For All Countries

We made the settings for this trick open for everyone to access, use, and as well port to other VPN tunneling software (that is, if they can do it). With that, you will be able to enjoy free unlimited Internet access at no cost.

Click here to like our Facebook Page, YouTube channel here and here to join our Telegram Channel for more free unlimited Internet tricks and tutorials.

1. An MTN Guinea SIM card with zero data and call credit
2. An Android device, iOS, or PC.
3. Your Wire Tun VPN or the VPN tunnel app of your choice (Find the link below)
4. The configuration settings

Ha Tunnel Plus MTN Guinea

1. Download Ha Tunnel Plus VPN and then install
3. Open the app and click on the three dots by the top right side of the screen.
4. Click on "Import/Export" and then "Import Config"
5. Now locate the configurations you downloaded earlier and click to import.
6. Now click on Start and then wait for the connection to go through. When it does. minimize and enjoy free net access.
In case you encounter any issue, disconnect and reconnect, or upload a new file if there is any.

2. Install and then open the app.
3. Click on Servers list and then select one server
4. Now click on the "Not Connected" icon to initiate a connection
5. When it's finally connected, minimize the app and enjoy free Internet access

In case you get a "Connection request timeout" message, change your server and re-initiate the connection and wait for it to go through. 

But then, you won't be able to surf the network without limit unless you add more time to it. To do that, open your Wire Tun VPN app and then click on "Add Time" on the screen to watch an ad so as to give you more time.

Note: This post is for EDUCATIONAL purposes only! You are responsible for your action and usage of it. Techfoe only drops such to alert ISPs of their vulnerabilities so that they can fix them.

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