How To Configure Psiphon VPN For Free Unlimited Internet On Any ISP

Pappi Hex
New Update: We've written a more comprehensive article on how to configure Psiphon VPN to give free unlimited Internet access on any network in the world. We also included different ways in which you use and source for free SNI hosts and get free net access.

Psiphon VPN offers online protection for its users by creating a secure connection on the internet via encryption. This secure connection is established so as to shield users of the VPN service from hackers, cyber-criminals, your ISP, and other groups of online bodies from snooping on your online activities.

There are many things a Virtual private network has to offer. However, today we will be looking at how to configure the Psiphon VPN and take advantage of its tunneling capability to get free unlimited internet access on your ISP network.

I have explained several tutorials on how to get free internet on your ISP (scroll towards the post end for links). These tutorials span from port scanning, discovering free working host, proxy server, etc. With these methods, you can easily get a working configuration. In this post, I will show you guys how to easily configure the Psiphon VPN app.

This post is for EDUCATIONAL purposes only. Techfoe won't be held liable for any misuse of it.

1. Any network sim card of any country
2. The sim card should have zero call credit and 0.00MB
3. An Android device
4. Your Psiphon tunnelling application (Find the link below)
5. Patience for the connection to go through.

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There are two approaches to get free internet access on Psiphon VPN. The first method is the no configuration while the second method is the configuration. Let's look at them both. Before then, click here to download the Psiphon tunneling app.

Method 1
This method involves Psiphon VPN scanning for open ports on your network. Your ISP sometimes leaves some ports on their network and Psiphon can easily Psiphon them out and use it to give you free internet access.

If this method doesn't work for you, it doesn't mean that the method doesn't work. The common ports might be filtered at the moment that doesn't mean it won't be open some other time. Others might need a strong injection.

1. Install and open your Psiphon app
2. Click on start and then leave it for some time to scan for opera ports on your network to use. If it doesn't connect after a while, change your APN and then retry the connection. If it doesn't connect, proceed to method 2.

Method 2
1. Install and then open the app
2. Click on options and then more options
3. Next, click on the following:
    Connect through an HTTP proxy: Tick
    Use the following settings: Tick
There are other options such as the Custom HTTP headers and also proxy authentication.
4. You will find the slot for a Host address and port. Depending on the loopholes on your ISP network, there are several ways to configure the hosts and port. These methods include;

i. The Host method
ii. The reverse host method
iii. Host method (deep web method which is the most effective)
iv. Proxy + open ports
v. Free pages
vi. Subscription method
vii. Blackberry method and so many other methods there

You can also use that sniffing method as I discussed in the tutorial and access free internet. Find tutorial links below that will be of help in creating your own free internet configuration.

1. How to get free browsing data and call credit on any ISP in the world using IMEI tweaks

2. Universal way on how to browse for free in any country in the world

3. How To Get Free Unlimited Internet Access On Any ISP By Sniffing Packets

6. How to make a Blackberry data subscription work on any device

7. Secret steps in getting free internet on HTTP Injector

I will drop another tutorial that will show you guys how to search for those hosts on your ISP network which search engines don't index. These hosts are working but make up the deep web and can be discovered using Google, Bing, Yahoo, or other search engines.

Your ISP made it in such a way that search spiders and crawlers won't be able to find those hosts so as to keep it private. However, there are special tools that can be used to dig up those hidden hosts. This trick works on any ISP in the world and is very effective.

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  1. the only problem with you techfoe cause you dont go in details, anyway thanks

  2. Just post the settings

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  5. just post screenshots of the settings

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  7. thx for the post I was using psiphon but since the beginning of 2020 it's no longer connecting am in Uganda

  8. what is psiphon config for pc am in uganda email me pliz
    [email protected]

  9. When I tried psiphon it worked for a few days but suddenly it's not tunneling my device anymore. ( I am using a mod one). Someone give me the solution. Where do I find the different methods to configure in methods 2

  10. Nt tells me to wait verifying.and gv bn waiting since long

  11. Screenshot tutorial would have been better,I lost halfway through

  12. Anything for trinidad and tobago in the caribbean please

  13. Now, to make the Psiphon connection work:
    1. open any page without regard to traffic, for example the website of the operator or the website of the social network twitter, it will open 443 ports.
    2. Psiphon then connects successfully.
    If this does not work try to open some media content on the site without taking into account traffic and simultaneously connect Psiphon.
    Viewing media content on the site without regard to traffic increases chances of Psiphon connection!

  14. How to configure psiphon Pro v347

  15. Can you please post something about Orange and Lonestar Cell MTN Liberia?
    Please we have been waiting for this for a long time.

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